Friday, September 9, 2011

The internet has enhanced our lives in so many ways. Using the internet allows students access to an almost unlimited amount of information, from dictionaries and thesauruses to encyclopedias and novels, all are available day or night and instantly. Additionally, with today’s high speed internet students are able to listen to audio, watch video and communicate with instructors and fellow students, via email, chat, or even video chat. While a lot of these resources require some sort of subscription (payment) to access I would imagine there are just about as many that are free. As with an open-source system such as the internet you can’t believe everything you read and therefore must consider the source before using or quoting any information found on the internet. In addition to being an excellent research tool the internet also allows students in geographically separated areas access to courses and instructors, as well as allowing students to tailor the time they spend doing course work around their schedule. Personally, attending school would be very difficult if it weren’t for the internet, in fact if it weren’t for the internet I probably wouldn’t be completing a bachelor’s degree. In summary the internet provides much more flexibility and options for students.

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